Friday Church News Notes – Nov. 12, 2021

Lieutenant Governor Winsome Searsof Virginia, USA MORE EVIDENCE OF SYSTEMIC RACISM IN AMERICA: FIRST BLACK WOMAN ELECTED TO STATEWIDE OFFICE IN VIRGINIA, MORE BLACK MAYORS (Friday Church News Notes, November 12, 2021,,, 866-295-4143) – In yet more irrefutable proof of America’s systemic racism, Winsome Sears was elected lieutenant governor in Virginia on November 3, …

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Friday Church Notes 10.8.2021

PERSECUTION IN AFGHANISTAN: THE FALSE AND THE TRUE (Friday Church News Notes, October 8, 2021,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “Christians Trapped in Afghanistan,” Release International, Sept. 27, 2021: “UK-based Release International is concerned about false reporting of persecution under the Taliban, which is obscuring the real hardship faced by the …

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